Friday, November 24, 2017

Revenge Evolution

Off Camera

Joey Michaels is usually not a jealous man.  Jealousy is just not in his vocabulary, especially not when you consider the fact that he has the best hair and best abs in all of professional wrestling.  Joey Michaels has nothing to be jealous of when you consider the fact that he comes from a proud wrestling family; his older brother is a famous wrestling promoter while he and his younger sister are both professional wrestlers themselves.  Joey Michaels and, indeed, his entire family have left their mark upon the industry.

Insert Julia Braddock.

Julia Braddock also comes from a famous wrestling family.  The Braddock Wrestling Family is well known as great athletes and great competitors.  Julia is a longtime stalwart here in UWA and perhaps that could explain why she gets exposure while Joey Michaels does not.  Still, it isn’t a good enough reason for Joey Michaels; especially not when you take all things into consideration.  It was at UWA Against All Odds when Joey Michaels defeated Julia Braddock in a tag team match.  Joey was victorious, not Braddock, and yet who gets booked for a match on the next show?

Julia Braddock.  Joey Michaels was left off the cards.

So Joey decided to make his mark the old fashioned way.  He and his on-again off-again friend Ryan Watson intervened and assaulted Julia Braddock as well as her opponent that night, Gwen Black.  The Hottest Summer Blockbuster wanted to make certain that UWA’s new management, Fleur Jamieson, would take notice of him.

Mission accomplished to say the very least, because on the final Outbreak before The End of the Year Special, Joey will be facing Ricky Octavius and Mr. UWA in a triple threat match.

Joey Michaels and his sister Sierra Michaels find themselves sitting at a table in a small café on the outskirts of Charlotte, North Carolina.  The two have recently rekindled their sibling relationship, a relationship that had been greatly strained due to Sierra’s induction into the cult-like “Evolution” movement.

A waitress arrives at their table and places two cups of coffee, one for Joey and one for Sierra, in front of them.  She walks away and then Sierra immediately takes a sip of her coffee.  Joey, however, is the one who breaks the ice.

“So, what have you been doing, sis?”Joey asks.

“Evolving.” She remarks plainly as she places her coffee cup down. “Always evolving.”

“Evolution, eh?” Joey says with a snort. “I still don’t get that whole evolution crap.”

“Perhaps this is why I am evolved and you, dear brother, are not.” She says with a wink.

“What does that mean?”

“Evolution, Joseph, is the difference between the ape and humanity.”

“Are you calling me an ape?”

“If the primate fits.”

“Geez, Sierra,” He rolls his eyes and then points a finger at Sierra “and you really do creep me out when you talk about it.”

“I apologize, Joseph.” She takes another sip of her coffee. “But the inferior do not understand things such as this.”

“How could I?” He asks. “I mean, you act completely different from the way I remember you.  The old Sierra was happy go-lucky, she had a sense of humor, she…”

“…she was weak.” Sierra snaps back, interrupting him. “The old Sierra was weak thanks to her emotions. I have been purged of those emotions that made me weak and now that makes me the ultimate evolution of Sierra Michaels.”

Joey rolls his eyes. “Whatever…”

Joey Michaels does not appreciate being referred to as inferior by anyone, let alone by his little sister, but he realizes that right now, in the early stages of them rekindling their bond as brother and sister, now is not the time to be pressing matters such as this.  He can shrug that one minor insult off and focus on other matters.

“What about you, dear brother?” She asks. “What have you been doing lately?”

“What have I been doing?” He shrugs his shoulders. “That’s a pretty damn good question, sis, because quite honestly I haven’t been doing much of anything.”


“GCW is leaving me unbooked, UWA has left me unbooked.” He shakes his head incredulously. “Hell, the only way I can get any kind of spotlight is to just take it myself by interfering in other matches.”

“Sad to hear it, brother.”

“I deserve better than this, Sierra.” Joey whines before pausing to take a sip of his coffee. “I am a big star in professional wrestling.  I should be on every show, in the main event!”

“Start acting like it.”

Joey narrows his gaze intensely at his younger sister. “What’d you say?”

“I think you heard me properly, dear brother.” Sierra remarks with a nasty grin. “If you are a big star, Joey, then start acting like one.”

“That’s funny, sis,” Joey chuckles lightly “and I do love you and your sense of humor, but now is not the time to be mocking me.”

“I’m not mocking you and I do not have a sense of humor.  I speak truth.  You are not acting as you should.  Does a star whine as much as you?” She shakes her head. “Let’s face facts, you’ve been doing little to nothing to open the eyes of the UWA management.”

“I wouldn’t quite say that, sis,” Joey remarks with a smirk on his face “I think Watson and I did a pretty darn good job of sending a message to those idiots Helms and Bryant.”

“I admit, your actions last Outbreak were impressive, but do not forget, you no longer have to impress Helms or Bryant.”

A knowing grin forms on Joey’s face. “Oh yeah, that’s right…”

“There is an opportunity here, Joseph.” Sierra remarks stoically. “Perhaps this Jamieson will be more inclined to give you opportunities, opportunities that you feel you deserve, unlike her predecessor.”

“Yeah, you’re right.  I think I can work with Fleur Jamieson a lot better than I could ever have worked with David Helms or Drew Bryant.” Joey nods his head, scratching his chin as he thinks this over, realizing more and more that his sister just made a real good point. “Things are already starting to look up for me.  Seriously, do you think I would have a match on Outbreak if Helms was still in charge of this shit?”

“Doubtful.” Sierra chimes in with an answer.

“Yeah, well ‘doubtful’ is an understatement.  I would not have had a match if that idiot was in charge.  But as soon as Fleur takes over, guess who gets a chance to shine in the spotlight?”

“I am so happy for you, Joseph.” Sierra remarks, taking another sip of her coffee. “But as happy as you are about your career, there is still something you can do for me.”

“Oh?” Joey asks, cocking his head to one side, staring at Sierra curiously.

“Understand something, Joseph; I am happy that I have evolved.  I am grateful for the fact that I have evolved.  But under no circumstances have I forgotten how this change in me came about.”


Joey’s voice was low and somewhat menacing, matching Sierra’s low and menacing voice.  Mike Michaels is their older brother, the promoter of the family, and it was Mike who owned Sierra’s contract, and Mike sold that contract to members representing the Evolution movement, and it was those individuals who would, over time, twist her and corrupt her into this individual that she is today.

“Sierra, before you go any further with this, I just want to say that I did everything I could to save you from…” his voice trails off.

“Save me from what?  Joseph, I am happy about what has happened to me.  And I know that you did everything you could for me when you believed that I was in danger.  Our brother, Michael, he is the one with whom I am angry.” Her eyes narrow in an angry rage. “He sold me as if I was property.  He clearly does not care about me, thus he shall be punished.  His career…his life even…is forfeit.”

Joey’s eyebrows raise as he studies his sister closely.  He hasn’t seen her like this before, not in a long time.

“Uh, sis, I thought you weren’t gonna act on emotions anymore, and yet you sound pretty damn emotional right now.”

“What are you suggesting?” Sierra asks with a quick look of fury on her face. “Are you implying that I’m not in control?  Are you suggesting that my evolution is false that it’s…”

“Hey, sis, calm down,” Joey remarks, trying to remain calm for his sake and Sierra’s sake “I’m just saying you seem emotional right now. That’s all. Not saying you or anything you’re about is fake.  But consider this…”

“Consider what?”

“…didn’t your friend Melanie McBride, also supposedly ‘evolved’, recently leave your little cult?”

“It is NOT a cult!” Sierra remarks, banging her fists on the table. “But you know what…” She sighs “…maybe you’re right.  Maybe I am acting a little too emotionally. I cannot allow emotions to mask my judgment.  I will not be weak like Melanie or my former self.”

“Sierra, babe, you were never weak.” Joey says consolingly. “I hope you know that.”

“Thank you, dear brother.”

“And I hope you know that I am here for you.”

“Excellent.” Sierra grins knowingly. “I’m glad to hear you say that…”

On Camera

It truly is darkest before the dawn and I know that my legions of fans have been fearing the worst about their hero’s UWA tenure.  Despite Ryan Watson and I picking up a valiant, hard fought victory over Julia Braddock and her idiot partner at Against All Odds, The Franchise Player was still left off of the UWA Outbreak card.  But The Hottest Summer Blockbuster took matters into his own hands and made a statement at the expense of Braddock and that other broad Gwen Black.  And that’s exactly what I do best.  I make impacts.

Now then, thanks to me making an impact, and thanks to new, wiser, better management at the helm of power in UWA, Mr. Monday Night is back on his show, Outbreak, and in action for YOU, my legions of fans!

Oh but it aint gonna be easy, because The Hottest Summer Blockbuster goes up against two competitors in a triple threat match, and one of them is considered to be the fastest rising star in the company; namely Ricky Octavius.

Now Ricky, you’re the hotshot rising young star, winner of the pick your poison battle royal, X-Limits Champion, and so much more.  The world is at your feet and you haven’t met a challenge yet that you haven’t been able to overcome.

But now you’re about to tangle with Joey Michaels.

You may have lucked up and survived the battle royal and a tag team match, but this time will be different.  This time it’s just The Hottest Summer Blockbuster on his own, the way he likes it, the way I’m sure you want it, and that’s all I need in order to kick your ass.  I just need myself and no one else.  No other partners, no outside interference.  Just me.

Then there’s Mr. UWA…

You haven’t danced with Mr. Monday Night.  You haven’t had a chance to trade blows with The Outstanding Outbreak Aficionado.  I am a man of destiny, I am a man who will one day be UWA World Champion, and I am facing two people, one in Ricky Octavius who even I admit will probably one day be a world champion…

…and then there’s you, the idiot who sleeping with Sophie James is as close as you’ll ever get to being world champion.

This is my chance to prove myself here in UWA.  I am tired of being overlooked by David Helms but now with him out of the way, and Fleur Jamieson in charge, I now have a chance to show what I could do on my own.  I can show the world what The Hottest Summer Blockbuster is truly capable of.

So get ready for an experience, boys and girls, get ready for an experience that only Mr. Monday Night can produce!